Saturday, November 24, 2007

Star Wars- The American Hope: Impeach Vader

As I watch the media show news flashes of the upcoming American elections, I cant help but read into the use of media as a Force. Yes i mean THE Force. George Lucas' Star Wars was a complete breakdown of the current American Capitalist system in the form of a single world government. In Star Wars the empire in this facists capitalist government craves enslavement and homogenization. Just like the when the evil empires parliament elects a supreme ruler , the American governments republic metamorphism's into fascist universal empire elected not by the people, but by oligarchy.

The Empire in Star wars is a Galactic empire who threatens the destruction of any world that is not aiding them. They even blow up a planet in order to torture Princess Leia into telling them the secret location of the Rebel hide out. A direct quote from non-elected president George W. conceptualizes, "You are either with us, or you are with the terrorist." Who ever these terrorist are they better stop calling themselves Al Qaeda because the news keeps telling me that these Al Qaeda terrorists are all over. They seam to be in every corner of the US and Briton and every ruling Muslim country. Especially Iran. Lets not forget when the force of the media told us that Iraq was harboring Al Qaeda and weapons of mass destruction. We sent our cruisers and tie fighters into battle to destroy the insurgents (rebels).

The Empire in Star Wars was also known for its clones. Our Government does everything it can to keep people acting and thinking like sheep. And as the government cuts money for Education it promotes more Dolly's in the population. Thus causing homogenization and easy to dominate and control. Also by not funding Education they are then given the carrot on a stick, they go do poorly educated areas and convincing the educationally starved to GOARMY and join the men and women in uniform to protect our way of life.

Our way of life is endanger and its not because of terrorists. The nature of capitalism causes our own end to the American dream. The problem arises from economic capitalism which supports its self on the back of other economies thus creating this financial drive to keep exploiting more and more economies. We are then faced with the fact that there are only so many economies on our planet. We have already exploited most of them. Now the American Government wants to create a new demand for American Good's and needs oil to ship goods to that area. Enter the 6,000 year culture of Persia. Here is a totally unexploited group of people who want nothing to do with capitalism, why, because their Democratic beliefs and religious views keep the capitalist machine out of the country.

By threatening them with our Death Star and threatening them because they cant own one cause we do, we will then attack them and secure the first need for further exploitation which is fuel (oil), and then we will create a new need by using the force of media and advertising to sway those with week opinions that they need to buy more material possessions.

Do not be dismayed, a New Hope is here. As a matter of fact it is in front of you. Whether not you have realized it before this instrument lets you access the positive side of the media's force. Yes young Jedi you too can have sway over you destiny. Write about it in your blogs, post on news sites, let the media owners know that you are a waking, thinking citizen. Don't be angry, the the Dark side will use it against you in response. Lets stop the Neocon Empire in its tracks. Sign this petition and send a message to our leaders that the American people no longer belief this man can run our country, and ruin the world.

The force is strong in you.